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Must See Exhibition: Captivating Images of Underwater Creatures

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Digital skills are categorized in to the following six areas:

Foundation and access

You will be tested on the set of skills needed to understand the technical difference between “analogue” and “digital”, as well as the basic structures, characteristics and terminology of the internet.

Information and data literacy

You will be tested on the set of skills needed to browse, search for, access and navigate between different types of digital content (files, websites, etc.). This also includes being able to critically evaluate different sources of information and understand which ones are reliable. The ability to store, manage, and organise folders and various types of files.

Communication and collaboration

You will be tested on the set of skills needed to use digital technologies to interact, communicate and collaborate with other people. This also includes being able to share data and information, participate in society through use of public and private digital services, carry out purchases and sales. The ability to use appropriate forms of expression and manage one’s identity on the web are part of this competence area as well.

Digital content creation

You will be tested on the set of skills needed to develop and edit various types of digital content. This includes skills necessary to improve and integrate different kinds of information and content together as well as abilities to understand how copyright and licences work and how to develop instructions for a computing system.


You will be tested on the set of skills needed to protect devices, content, personal data and privacy, while understanding risks and threats of digital environments. This also includes skills necessary to protect oneself and others against fraud and consumer abuse and be awareof the environmental impact of using digital technologies.

Problem solving and continuing learning

You will be tested on the set of skills to identify needs and technical problems, and to select appropriate technological responses to solve them. This also includes skills necessary to use digital tools to innovate processes and products as well as abilities to identify digital competence gaps.

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